Common Queries

Is weed legal in DC?

Cannabis was legalized for recreational use in 2014 under Initiative 71.

What is the initiative 71 compliant in DC?

What is the Initiative 71 compliant in DC?

It is legal for adults 21 years of age or older to: • Possess two ounces or less of marijuana; • Grow within their primary residence up to six marijuana plants, no more than three of which are mature; • Transfer one ounce or less of marijuana to another person as long as: (1) no money, goods, or services are exchanged

Is weed legal in MD?

Adults 21 years and older may possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis flower, up to 12 grams of concentrated cannabis; or a total amount of cannabis products that does not exceed 750 mg of THC. This is known as the "personal use amount 

Is weed legal in VA?

Weed was decriminalized in Virginia in 2020 and enforced at the lowest level possible as they move towards full legalization.

Can you deliver to anywhere in DC?

Yes we can. Whether you are at home, in a hotel or want to meet in a park, we can come to you.

Can you deliver to MD?

Yes we can. Whether you are at home, in a hotel or want to meet in a park, we can come to you.

Can you deliver to Virginia?

Yes, we deliver to Northern Virginia as well. Call us and we will let you know.

Do I need a medical card?

No, you do not need a medical card to place an order. You only need to be 21 and older.